NGWM 2012 - 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting in Reykjavík in 2012.

The meeting will take place in the new HARPA ( concert hall and conference centre at the harbor in downtown Reykjavík from the 9th to 12th of January. The meeting includes optional one-day excursions to geological sites in south and southwest Iceland.

The deadline for submission of abstracts has now expired. Approximately 300 abstracts have been submitted to the conference and we know that we will have a strong and exciting conference.

ATH The on line registration is now closed, if you wish to attend the meeting you can register on site at Harpa conference venue Monday January 09 at 08:00, kindly note the registration fee have to be settled on site

The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) has now made final approval of abstracts as well as schedule the conference sessions and overall program. Authors should expect final approval of their abstracts soon.

All relevant general information about the conference will be continuously posted here on the Conference website. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee by e-mailing Þorsteinn (

Þorsteinn Sæmundsson
Chairman of the Geoscience Society of Iceland and the 2012 NGWM SPC

Ívar Örn Benediktsson

Secretary General, Geoscience Society of Iceland and vice chairman of the 2012 NGWM SPC

General Information

Where and when

HARPA, concert hall and conference centre, Reykjavík, 9th-12th of January 2012

Official language
The official language of the Congress is English.

Important dates
Abstract deadline: 17th of October NEW DEADLINE

Conference organizer
Geoscience Society of Iceland

Contact person

Þorsteinn Sæmundsson
Chairman of the Geoscience Society of Iceland
+354 453 7999 +354 8998520


Flight information:

Transfer from airport
The distance from Keflavík International Airport to Reykjavík is 55 km, or 45 minutes drive. The FLY BUS offers shuttle service between hotels in Reykjavík and Keflavík airport in connection with arrivals and departures. Congress Reykjavík operates a special guided transfer service available upon request. Taxi service is also available.
For further information:

Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland and its surroundings, is the home of more than half of the country’s 300 000 inhabitants. Named after the steam from the geothermal areas the city is now known for its clean air and beautiful surroundings. In Reykjavik you have opportunities for historical sites, natural beauty, museums and galleries, public parks, excellent shopping, a wide range of leisure activities, hotels, restaurants and a remarkably lively artistic scene.

Thanks to the Gulf Stream, Iceland has a temperate ocean climate, cool in the summer and surprisingly mild in the winter. The weather in Iceland in January can be unpredictable so be prepared for any weather – warm or cold days (+10 to -10°C), strong winds or calm conditions, rain or snow. Heavy precipitation and/or thick cloud cover may prevent full daylight. 

What to wear
Due to the fact that the weather is unpredictable in Iceland, it is wise to bring warm clothes, rainwear, etc, especially for those who are interested in outdoor activities. As there are ample opportunities for swimming in warm spring water, it might be a good idea to bring a bathing suit

Duty-free shopping
Duty-free goods may be purchased both upon arrival and departure at Keflavík Airport. The duty free allowance is 1 liter of spirits (up to 47% alcohol) and 1 liter of wine (up to 21% alcohol) or 6 liters of imported beer and 200 cigarettes or the equivalent in other tobacco products. It is prohibited to bring uncooked meat and various meat products (salami, smoked meat, etc.) into the country.

Tax refunds
Upon departure, visitors to Iceland can reclaim the VAT tax paid on purchase in the country. This may amount to 13-15% of the value of the purchase. The refund voucher should be presented to the Duty-Free shop at Keflavík Airport or other departure points.

For various tourist information please see:

The official travel guide to Iceland:
The official tourism website of the Reykjavík Capital Area:
Check the weather in Iceland:
Iceland Review – What’s on in Iceland:
Map of Reykjavík:
Icelandic Directorate of Immigration:
Restaurants in Iceland:
Keflavik International Airport in Iceland:

Nordic Geoscientist Award

The Nordic Geoscientist Award will be presented every second year in connection with the Nordic Winter Meeting. The Award will be presented to a Nordic geoscientist who has, in the course of his/her career, been strongly involved in the society around us, as well as in specific fields in the geosciences. All members of the Nordic geological societies can propose candidates: proposals should be ca. 500 words. A jury, consisting of the leaders of each of the Nordic geological societies and the directors of each of the Nordic geological surveys, will consider the proposals and prepare a written statement on its decision on the Award. The prize consists of a framed diploma and an engraved plate with a unique rock from the conference host country. In 2012 the engraved plate will be a columnar basalt from Iceland. The winner will be invited to hold a plenary lecture at the Winter Meeting in connection with presentation of the Award. All proposals should be sent to the president of the Geological Society in your country by October 1st 2011.

Þorsteinn Sæmundsson
The Geoscience Society of Iceland

Gunn Mangerud
The Geological Society of Norway

Vivi Vajda
The Geological Society of Sweden

Lars Nielsen
The Geological Society of Denmark

Aarno Kotilainen
The Geological Society of Finland



Scientific Programme


Programme NGWM 2012

Monday 9.01.2012

08:00 – 09:00      Registration

09:00 – 17:00      Conference day

17:00 – 18:30       Ice Breaker

Tuesday 10.01.2012

08:20 – 16:40      Conference day

17:00                       Banquet – with a bath in the Blue Lagoon (Buss departure from Harpa)

18:00                        Banquet – without a bath in the Blue Lagoon (Buss departure from Harpa)

Wednesday 11.01.2012

8:00 – 17:00        Conference excursions

Thursday 12.01.2012

8:20 – 18:00        Conference day

Registration and accommodation

Registration and accommodation


The on line registration is now closed, if you wish to attend the meeting you can register on site at Harpa conference venue Monday January 09 at 08:00, kindly note the registration fee have to be settled on site

Registration and hotel booking will be done through the Congress Secretariat – Congress Reykjavík

Accommodation has been pre-booked at hotels in Reykjavík Centre

Hotel Reykjavik Centrum

Center Hotels

On-line registration and hotel booking will open on the 1st of July

Registration, payment and abstract submission:
Congress Reykjavík
Tlf +354 5853900

Registration fee

 Registration fee  Registration before November  Registration after November
 Member of a nordic geological society  ISK 60.000- (50.000 -without a trip)  ISK 75.000-
 Non Member  ISK 75.000- (65.000 -without a trip)  ISK 90.000-
 Student  ISK 40.000- (30.000 -without a trip)  ISK 50.000-

Themes and sessions

Submit abstract

Submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters clik here
Abstract deadline: October 17th  NEW DEADLINE
Abstract length: 1 page (A4), 600 words
Illustrations: No
Language: English
When you submit abstract, please refer to session code.

Session Codes


Size of poster:
A0 portrait (1189 mm tall x 841 mm wide)

One poster for each presentation.

Abstract volume

Scientific programme commitee


Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Natural Research Centre of NW Iceland

Vice chairman

Ívar Örn Benediktsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Anette K. Mortensen, ÍSOR Icelandic Geosurvey

Ármann Höskuldsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Björn Harðarson, ÍSOR Icelandic Geosurvey

Börge Johannes Wigum, Mannvit / NTNU

Daði Þorbjörnsson, ÍSOR Icelandic Geosurvey

Guðrún Larsen, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Kristján Jónasson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History

Ólafur Ingólfsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Steinunn Sigríður Jakobsdóttir, Icelandic Met Office

Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson, Icelandic Met Office

Sponsors and exhibitors

Conference excursions

1. The Eyjafjallajökull volcano

2. The Hellisheiði geothermal power plant

3. The Reykjanes peninsula – Rift tectonics and historic volcanism