Sælir kæru félagar
Þeir eru ekkert að tvínóna við þetta félagar okkar í Svíþjóð. Endilega takið dagana frá og allir að mæta til Gautaborgar.
Save-the-date for the 36:th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting
Dear all!
On behalf of the board of Swedish Geological Society and the Organizing Committee, I hereby have the honor and pleasure to invite you all to the 36th Nordic Geological Wintermeeting!
The meeting will take place on the 10-12:th of January 2024 at Svenska Mässan in Gothenburg, Sweden.
There will be a three-day programme with an ice-breaker on the first evening and a dinner event on the second evening.
We will also organise an urban geological excursion in Gothenburg.
Please see the attached file for a save-the-date to distribute to all your members.
We would like to invite you to propose candidates for the Nordic Geoscientist Award and also to propose Special sessions, as the scientific program is still being planned. Suggestions for Special sessions should be sent to thomas.zack@gu.se and nominations for the Nordic Geoscientist Award are sent to ordf@geologiskaforeningen.se.
Furthermore, we have the pleasure to inform you that the Nordic Society of Clay Research Travel Grant will once again be awarded to one candidate. The travel grant will be of a maximum of 3000 SEK, please see the attached document for more information.
More information will follow in a First Circular in the beginning of April.
Until then I wish you all the best!
Kind regards,
Emma Rehnström
Information will also be updated on www.geologiskaforeningen.se and on Facebook and LinkedIn as “Geologiska Föreningen”.