Vorráðstefna JFÍ 8. mars 2024

Sælir kæru félagsmenn

Líkt og undanfarin ár verða veitt verðlaun í tengslum við Vetrarmót Norrænna Jarðfræðinga sem nefnast NORDIC GEOSCIENTIST AWARD

Félagsmönnum gefst tækifæri til að tilnefna einstakling sem hefur samfara starfi sínu verið ötull að miðla þekkingu sinni til samfélagsins. Slíkar tilnefningar eiga að sendast á formann viðkomandi jarðfræðafélags fyrir 1 nóvember næstkomandi.

Hér eru nánari upplýsingar teknar af heimasíðu vetrarmótsins.  http://2dgf.dk/foreningen/33rd-nordic-geological-winter-meeting/



The Nordic Geoscientist Award will be presented every second year in connection with the Nordic Winter Meeting. The Award will be granted to a Nordic geoscientist who has, in the course of his/her career, been strongly involved in the society around us, as well as in specific fields in the geosciences.

All members of the Nordic geological societies can propose candidates. A proposal should comprise ca. 500 words. A jury, consisting of the leaders of each Nordic geological society and the directors of each Nordic geological survey, will consider the proposals and prepare a written statement on its decision on the Award.

The prize will consist of a framed diploma and an engraved plate of stone. The winner will be invited to hold a plenary lecture at the Winter Meeting in connection with presentation of the Award.

All proposals should be sent to the president of the Geological Society in your country by 1 November 2017.

The Nomination committee:
Presidents of the Geological Societies

  • Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Geological Society of Iceland
  • Pär Weihed, Geological Society of Sweden
  • Mia Kotilainen, Geological Society of Finland
  • Janka Rom, Geological Society of Norway
  • Karen Hanghøj, Geological Society of Denmark


Við viljum einnig benda á að skilafrestur ágripa hefur verið framlengdur til 29 október. Sjá http://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=43544088b0f7dd936180e030b&id=de2f21d0ab