Kæru félagar

Vetrarmót norrænna jarðfræðinga mun fara fram hér á Íslandi frá 9. til 12. janúar næstkomandi.

Mótið verður haldið í Hörpu og er það þrítugasta í röð vetrarmóta og stefnum við því að hafa það sem veglegast og taka vel á móti kollegum okkar frá hinum norðurlöndunum.

Á miðvikudeginum er stefnt að því að fara í eins dags ferð og skoða jarðfræðilega áhugaverða staði í nágrenni Reykjavíkur, en það er ekki mætingarskylda í ferðirnar.

Opnað verður fyrir skráningu 1. júlí og er lokafrestur til að skila inn ágripum 17. október 2011. ATH ný lokafrestur

Allar nauðsynlegar upplýsingar um mótið er að finna hér á heimasíðu Jarðfræðafélagsins www.jfi.is/ngw_2012

30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

New deadline for submission of abstracts   

Dear Colleagues

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting in Reykjavík in 2012.

The meeting will take place in the new HARPA (www.harpa.is) concert hall and conference centre at the harbor in downtown Reykjavík from the 9th to 12th of January. The meeting includes optional one-day excursions to geological sites in south and southwest Iceland.

Due to many requests a new deadline for submission of abstracts has been set on the 17th of October 2011, but we appreciate your abstract sooner if there is any possibility. The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) will meet in mid November to make the final approval of abstracts as well as schedule the conference sessions and overall program. Authors should expect final approval of abstracts shortly thereafter.

We encourage participants to make use of the early registration fee offer and to make travel arrangements (transport and accommodation) as soon as possible. This will result in reduced costs. Several hotels will be available in downtown Reykjavik.

All relevant general information about the conference will be continuously posted here on the Conference website. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee by e-mailing Þorsteinn (steini@nnv.is)

Þorsteinn Sæmundsson
Chairman of the Geoscience Society of Iceland and the 2010 NGWM SPC

Ívar Örn Benediktsson

Secretary General, Geoscience Society of Iceland and vice chairman of the 2010 NGWM SPC